To create and facilitate a LARP (Live Action Role Play) system designed for children.
Forest Quest's main focus is to encourage children from the age of 5 years-old and up to participate in outdoor activities, with the emphasis on role-play and imagination.
Many of the activities require physical and mental skills, as well as, the encouragement to further develop motor-control and problem-solving.
Peer-building is an important benefit of participation.
Children AND adults are encouraged to use their imagination. This can include (But is not limited to) costumes, character development, and even props.
What is LARP?
Live Action Role Play is when a group of people use an established gaming-system to act, or "Role-play" their favourite heroes.
Players physically act out their characters' actions in a fictional setting while interacting with each other. Players actions determine the outcome of the game by solving puzzles or combat.
Event arrangers or referees are sometimes called "Gamemasters", and they decide the setting and rules to facilitate play, as well as, ensure the safety of participants.
Many who participate in LARP choose to dress up in garb that resembles their character. Not only does this help to stay in character, but it encourages others to do so as well. After all, who doesn't enjoy dressing up as your favourite hero and acting out their dreams?
Based in a medieval setting.
Three classes of players; Warrior, Cleric, Wizard
Foam boffers and foam spell-balls are used for combat.
A successful "Hit" is determined by an "Audible pop" combat system.
Scheduled events consist of questing, weapon practice, and/or combat games.
Imagination is a child's most powerful asset in life. Most LARPs are intended as games for entertainment, and while some enjoyable aspects of the game can include story creation and overcoming obstacles, the benefits of imaginative-play are numerous!
Foam Boffer
A padded, mock weapon to simulate handheld combat.
Audible Pop
Soft weapon strike. resulting in an audible sound, or "pop". Forest Quest does NOT allow any strikes harder than audible pop for safety reasons.
Combat System
NO head shots!
A torso hit is immediate death.
A hit to a limb (Leg / arm) results in loss of that limb. Any combination of two limbs results in death.
Death in LARP
Character deaths will be determined before each game starts, depending on the type of game being played, EG: All players get 3 lives / No free lives and Clerics must heal.
Character Classes
There are three types of classes in Forest Quest; Warrior, Wizard, and Cleric. Warriors can use any weapon. Wizards can only use staves and daggers, however, they get to cast spells. Clerics are limited to blunt weapons, but can heal other players and raise the dead.
Each time a player attends they sign in. Every 5 (FIVE) signatures will LEVEL a CLASS. When players sign in they will indicate what class they are playing for that day. ONLY the class that is registered for that day will be counted.
1-5 = Level 1
6 - 10 = Level 2
11-15 = Level 3
16 - 20 = Level 4
20+ = Level 5
All classes simplified
Woodland Warrior - Any weapon, armor, or shield.
May use handheld weapons, thrown weapons, or even bows.
Cleric of the Grove - Can cast healing spells, raise the dead, and some offensive magic.
Only leather armor allowed.
Forest Wizard - Can cast powerful ranged spells.
Cannot use armor of any type.
Spells / Abilities
Both the Wizard and the Cleric gain one new spell per level.
The Warrior gains one new ability per level.
Warrior Abilities
1 - Ability to use any weapon, shield, armor.
2 - Cure Light Wound (Self)
3 - Immunity to Arcane Magic
4 - Immunity To Fire Magic
5 - Warrior Rage
Cleric Spells
1 - Heal
2 - Raise Dead
3 - Smite
4 - Stone Barrier
5- Zombie
Wizard Spells
1 - Magic Missile
2 - Fireball
3 - Lightning Bolt
4 - Magic Shield
5 - Drop Dead
Cure Light Wound (Self)
-Warrior yells "Healed". One limb is immediately healed. Warrior can use 3 times per life.
Immunity to Arcane Magic
-Warrior is immune to "Magic Missile" and "Smite" ONCE per life
Immunity To Fire Magic
-Warrior is immune to "Fireball" ONCE per life
Warrior Rage
-When killed, player yells "Rage". Warrior lives for 7 seconds, and then finally dies.
- Cleric chants, "Heal, heal, heal". Player TOUCHED is healed one limb. Can be used 6 times per life.
Raise Dead
- Cleric chants, "Raise dead, raise dead, raise dead". Player TOUCHED is raised from the dead. Unlimited use.
- PURPLE Spellball
- Cleric holds spell-ball in right hand, and chants, "Smite, smite, smite". The spell ball is then charged and can be thrown. Same damage as a weapon strike. Unlimited use.
Holy Stop
- Cleric points at any player within 25' and declares out who they are, and then chants, "Stop, stop , stop". The opposing player is immediately FROZEN IN PLACE AND IMMUNE TO ALL ATTACKS FOR 30 SECONDS. Usable 3 times per life.
- Cleric touches dead ENEMY player, and chants, "Zombie, zombie, zombie". Cleric MUST tie a RED strip of cloth on the Zombie. The other player MUST obey the Cleric's orders, and fights until killed or the CLERIC IS KILLED. Unlimited use. Zombie is immune to magic. Usable 3 times per life.
Magic Missile
- BLUE spell-ball
- Player holds spell-ball in right hand, and chants, "Magic missile, magic missile, magic missile ". The spell-ball is then charged and can be thrown. Same damage as a weapon strike. Unlimited use.
-RED spellball
- Player holds spell-ball in right hand, and chants, "Fireball, fireball, fireball". The spell-ball is then charged and can be thrown. Any weapon or shield struck is destroyed. Any player hit is immediately killed. Unlimited use.
Lightning Bolt
- YELLOW spell-ball
- Player holds spell-ball in right hand, and chants, "Lightning bolt, lightning bolt, lightning bolt". The spell-ball is then charged and can be thrown. Anything hit is destroyed and the character is killed. Unlimited use.
Magic Shield
- Wizard chants, "Shield, shield, shield", and is immune to ALL attacks. Wizard must count out-loud to 60, after which they become normal. Usable 3 times per life.
Drop Dead
-Wizard points at any player within 25' and declares out-loud who they are, and then chants, " Drop dead, Drop dead, Drop dead". The opposing player is immediately dead, unless they move out of range. Usable 3 times per life.
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