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Power and Politics

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” - Sun Tzu.

War is the extreme arm of politics. Humans like to believe that war is our last resort at quelling a conflict, but far too often war is approached with eagerness and vigor. It's always the young men and women that are killed in war, while the Generals in charge live a life of comparative luxury. War is always evolving, and has been doing so for thousands of years. War is the driver behind many man-made inventions that we now use in our civilian lives. (Microwave, stainless steel, duct tape, Penicillin, and more!) While war is glorified in movies and books, it's Hell on Earth in reality. War is used as justification for a plethora of crimes against humanity, including genocide, rape, medical experimentation, and torture. War is what happens when negotiations break down; it is the ultimate failure between two nations to reach an agreement. War changes the world, and has been the cause of the fall of many a great nation.

Politics [päləˌtiks]  The individuals and activities associated with the governance of a country. Most importantly the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power.

With power comes a need to maintain that power, and a strong military is the most obvious answer.

A nation cannot call themselves 'Sovereign' if they don't have strong borders. 

So what exactly do I hope to achieve by writing this article? There's many reasons, actually, most importantly to document history as it occurs. A DIARY of sorts, reporting on current affairs, but also delving into the past, and even making predictions for the future. Personal details will be omitted. This isn't about me, but rather, the truth. I'm trying to bring the truth to the world in an era where truth is considered hate speech.

Questions? Comments? Leave a public comment for me to read. Or email me at zzorhn at hotmail dot com

ca. November 2024

Peace is a daily, weekly, monthly process; 

gradually changing opinions; 

slowly eroding old barriers; 

quietly building new foundations.

November 21st, 2024

Good morning, Dear Diary. There's many wars currently raging on the planet. However, most people only know of the two major ones; Russia-Ukraine, and Israel-Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, Houthi, and Iran. Both USA and Canada are embroiled in both conflicts, mostly indirectly by sending weapons and ammunition, but there are also members of an International force that fights alongside the Ukrainian brothers. While not a "World war" persay, it meets the definition of a global conflict, no different than US sending aid to Britain in both "World Wars". (I'm using quotes, because there have been other global conflicts, just not at the size and dynamics of 1914 and 1939)

At one time it was wooden sailing ships that brought war to distant shores, and today it's aircraft carriers. The evolution of warfare causes breakthroughs in technology. The wooden ships became history when the American war brought in iron-clad sailing vessels. Those types of ships were replaced by massive battleships, who became obsolete in "World war II" when the era of aircraft entered into service. Landing a plane on a navy vessel became a reality, and suddenly ships could bring war and devastation from hundreds of kilometers (Miles for our American friends) away. Aircraft carriers are becoming obsolete in an age of long-distance missiles, they just haven't had the MOMENT where it becomes official....

.....Picture this, a US Navy carrier fleet suddenly being attacked by a non-strategic nuclear weapon, either by air delivery or submarine torpedo. There would be a mad scramble where the Captains put distance between each other, but the  moment the bomb explodes it would sink BILLIONS of dollars of weapon platforms, like jet aircraft and the carriers that carried them. At that very moment the aircraft carrier would become a liability, and suddenly a whole host of new planning is required for the remaining vessels. 

The submarine is another example of weapon platforms evolving. High performance aircraft is another. We've gone from throwing rocks and sharpened sticks to pressing a button and annihilate another nation from thousands of Kilometers away. No longer do you need to stare your enemy in the eye as your sword is plunged into their body, and watch as the light goes out. Now you can merely pilot a drone and kill from great distances. 

The current wars are more proof of warfare evolving. Urban warfare is a modern concept. 

So, what's the politics fueling these flash points? Russia is attempting to create a buffer and prevent Ukraine from joining NATO. Israel is attempting to dislodge a terrorist organization imbedded in a population of 2 million, who are being propped up by Iran. The Israeli war is a proxy war between USA and Iran, however, the Russian war is NOT a proxy war as Russia is using their troops in the conflict. This is what makes the situation more dire for Ukraine; any aid sent to help them fight Russia is being viewed as NATO and the US becoming directly involved, and subsequently, at war with Russia. 

I verily believe that Canada, USA, and NATO are already in what will possibly deemed as "World War III" later on. Most people don't think that way, and are waiting for a nuclear explosion and a declaration of war. In today's society there is no declaration of war. Heck! Russia STILL hasn't declared war on Ukraine. There will be a flash-bulb moment eventually that ends the war, but until that time anything is possible in terms of countries becoming involved. It's like a frog in boiling water; throw it into a pot with the water already boiling and it will jump out; slowly increase the temperature bit by bit, and the frog will remain in the water even though it's eventually going to kill it. Insomuch, France, Germany, Britain, USA, Canada, and the other NATO nations have slowly been increasing the temperature of the war. If they were to jump right in, it would blow up in their face.

Where am I going with this? Well, I'm concerned about the escalation by NATO, and Russia's red-lines being ignored. There will eventually be SOMETHING that sparks a major world conflict, or somehow the two nations will come to terms and cease fighting. I'm hoping for the latter, of course, but I'm very worried about what Russia is going to do, and how they're going to react to the introduction of F-35's, and the US suddenly allowing ATACMS missiles to be used at their full potential. The world knows that North Korea is now sending troops and equipment to the front lines, but they're not the first foreign army to join Russia. Belarus and Syria have both sent aid and troops. The world is lining up in teams, with every country either falling into the NATO camp, or BRICS composed of Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates. It's like the whole world is divided West from East, and I foresee a major conflict breaking out before peace is established. It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

I'll write more later, but I need to go for now. Hope you have a wonderful day!

November 21st - 3 PM

Russia just fired an experimental ballistic missile at Ukraine. It was a hypersonic, intermediate-range ballistic missile, with MIRV(Multiple Independently Targetable Reentry Vehicle), and warned that more could follow. Earlier on Thursday, Kyiv said that Russia had fired an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM ), a weapon designed for long-distance nuclear strikes and never before used in war.  The missile targeted Dnipro in central-eastern Ukraine, and was fired from the Russian region of Astrakhan, more than 700 km (435 miles) away. It did not specify what kind of warhead the missile had or what type of missile it was. There was no suggestion it was nuclear-armed. Intermediate-range ballistic missiles have a range of 3,000–5,500 km. The fact that it carried a MIRVed  payload is much more significant for signaling purposes. 

This is another escalation, that comes on the heels of the United States of America allowing Ukraine the full use of the ATACMS, with permission to fire the weapons into Russia, which Ukraine did within a day. This new show of force carries more weight than a typical conventional warhead would; the MIRV system and all the intricate parts worked extremely well, proving that Russia is more than capable at hitting the targets it desires; this is a warning to the West, with Putin showing he is willing to use long-range missiles in an act of aggression. This is all occurring mere days after Vladimir Putin approved changes to his country's nuclear doctrine, formally amending the conditions, and lowering the threshold under which Russia would consider using its nuclear weapons, formally known as "The Basics of State Policy in the Field of Nuclear Deterrence".

Worried yet?

November 21st

Good morning. New video has emerged showing the MIRV's from that Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missile (IRBM) striking Ukraine. Rather than one big explosion, it was akin to a shotgun spray with the velocity of the impact doing the most damage. (A kinetic orbital strike is the hypothetical act of attacking the planetary surface with an inert projectile from orbit) When the MIRV's hit the ground they were travelling at 7 KM per SECOND!! This is reminiscent of the "Rods From God" proposal in the 1950's, where Jerry Pournelle, a science fiction writer and Boeing operations researcher, came up with the idea of tungsten rods about the size of telephone poles, measuring 7 meters long and 30 CM in diameter being dropped from near-Earth orbit from satellites. The proposed rods would travel at speeds of up to 10 kilometers per second, which is about 30 times the speed of sound. Within minutes, the rods' impact would cause devastation to the target area similar to a nuclear blast, but without the radioactive fallout.  As weapons without explosives, chemicals or nuclear material, the "Rods From God" aren't technically banned from under the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, or any other associated treaties. One of the main limitations in development was the high cost of lifting the heavy tungsten poles into orbit....

....this was NOT a "Rods From God" weapon, but rather, the delivery system for nuclear weapons. The attack accomplished two major things; to demonstrate that Russia has the technology and capability to use MIRV-based ballistic missile delivery systems, and to send a clear message that Russia can hit anywhere in Europe in a matter of mere minutes. 

The political fall-out from the missile attack has been slow. No one nation wants to stick their neck out and condemn Russia for fear of becoming the next target. It's very reminiscent of a school-yard bully picking on the wimpier kid, while everyone standing around doesn't do or say anything out of fear of reprisal. 

Meanwhile, the fall-out from the Trump victory continues, with Hollywood celebrities either endorsing Donald Trump, or condemning him. Ellen DeGeneres (Degenerate) for example, has apparently sold her house, and moved out of the country. They've taken to Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and whatever app kids use these days, to scream, cry, and throw a complete temper tantrum Then post it... Not sure about you, but I know if I was having a mental breakdown I would keep it hidden, not upload the content for the whole world to see, and subsequently ridicule! The democrats are STILL backing Kamala at this point in time, like they haven't learned their lesson....

......and they're still wanting to desperately kill the unborn children of Western women. They want to see grown men in female public washrooms, placing some man's right to put on a costume and invade the privacy of the opposing gender, over the rights of young girls and women. They still desire to see God taken out of schools, and replaced by LGBT indoctrination.  Alt-left groups also support the abolition of private property; they believe that consumerism and capitalism are the cause of social inequality. They defend their radical indoctrination disguised as a public education. They would CRIPPLE the economy merely to adhere to the "Green-deal" being pushed by the socialist organizations around the world (COP, UN, G7, G20), and while India and China are not placing any limitations on their emissions (Nor do they plan to), impoverished nations are chasing after and blackmailing First-world nations for hundred of BILLIONS of dollars.  They keep pushing the minimum wage up, only to suddenly have the cost of everything go up. (Cause and effect) Plus they've weaponized feminism, fueled the war on men, Christianity, and traditional families, not to mention, shamed people and committed character defamation of anyone expressing Patriotism, nationalism, and who want to see foreigners removed from the country. They've tried to kill the President-elect three times so far, and I verily predict that more will try; Democrats and Liberals have branded their hate as expressing care and concern. (It's like the Satanic Bible - up is down, good is bad, white is black, lies are truth)

Let's all hope that cooler heads will prevail, but this is damned spooky if you ask me. With no nuclear treaties to prevent escalation, and a new doctrine by Russia, it leaves the world in a position of being the closest we've come to nuclear war since the Cold War of the 80's. Russia just tested, for the first time in combat, the delivery system necessary to drop MEGATONS of destruction on its targets. This is history in the making.

May God protect us all!

November 24th

I couldn't sleep. I suppose I only have myself to blame, but I decided to catch a little news before I went to bed, and I was immediately drawn to the riots in Montreal. After I shut down the house for the night and turned off the lights, I lay awake in my bed thinking about how far Canada has fallen from its glory days.  I must have dozed off for a bit, because I awoke freezing cold; my blanket had fallen off me during the night, and now my dog lay curled up in it blissfully asleep. I looked at the time, and realized that I had an hour before CBC uploaded the previous night's video, so I shuffled into the kitchen for a fresh cup of coffee. I turned on the computer, and found a few videos on YouTube about the riots. Curiosity dawned on me, and I found myself reading a few articles on the topic. Next thing I know I'm on X reading the tweets by some of the leaders of Canada. I looked at the clock, and realized it was time to check CBC's channel, so I flipped over to it. I scrolled down the page looking for the newest video by CBC, but in all my frustration I couldn't find it. I checked the time, and checked the page again. Nothing. It was at that moment that I noticed the little writing under their description, and it read Sunday – Friday..... Today was Sunday. There was NO “National” for me to debunk. Here I was all dressed up, gung-ho as can be about tackling the Liberal squawk-box yet again to counter the lies and propaganda, and there was NO news to debunk. I felt a little stupid, I'll admit. Wide awake at 4 bells with nothing to do but sit and watch more videos on the Montreal riots. Read another article. Checked a few more Tweets....

....then it occurred to me. Why not tackle the topic without needing to debunk the CBC? We all KNOW what side of the fence CBC chooses on the matter of “Pro-palestinians”, Gaza, and the Middle East as a whole; NOT with Western nations, and certainly NOT with Canada, that's for certain! So, why not merely take a proactive approach, and debunk CBC before they even start spewing their stupidity? 

I've always stated that I want to use my powers for good, not for evil. All my life I've been defending those I cherished from the evils in the world, and writing these articles is no different; I'm using the God-given talents I have to make our voices heard above the din of modern society. I've always claimed the most powerful weapon I've ever held in my hands is a keyboard. Why stop now?

I'm worried that my efforts will be taken the wrong way. Like I say, the longer you stare at the monster the more you begin to realize the monster is staring back at you. Am I becoming too politically polarized? As Mrs. Jessica Rabbit stated, “I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way”. I didn't decide to pick a side when I started debunking the CBC, I was merely aware of the lies being told, and it bothered me. I felt like I needed to do something, but with the limited free speech we have in Canada, and the fact I'm just a nobody meant I'd have to do something completely original to get the attention of my fellow Canadians. Which is where “Debunking the CBC” came from. It was an idea batted around by a few of my friends that got me started. Their encouragement kept me going. Soon we had thousands of like-minded individuals joining our channel, and I kept writing to my heart's content. I'm not certain when it happened, but one day I realized that my content was falling into the Conservative camp. Now I'd always prided myself on being a centrist libertarian, and here I was now identifying with the growing trend of right-wing politics taking over the world. People, just like me, were tired of the lies and government scandals, and sick to death of foreigners being offered a double-standard in our own country. I realized that I'm a Canadian Patriot who grew up during the '70's with a traditional family who went to church each Sunday, meaning I identify with the morals, manners, and traditions of the average Canadian born before Y2K. I can see how far we've fallen from glory. However, leaning to the right side suddenly meant I wasn't able to identify with my Liberals brothers and sisters like I used to. Now that I look at the woke culture, the flood of foreigners to our shores and the subsequent destruction of Canadian culture, modern feminism, the war on Christianity, the war on Western nations, and the war on men, and now I can no longer identify with their madness. MY morals hadn't changed, but rather, the political spectrum shifted radically to the left, meaning my once liberals ways were suddenly Conservative values. 

So it is with a heavy heart that hear about the horrific tragedies unfolding across Canada, caused by people who sympathize with known terrorists, and my mind swims from the sheer madness of it all. University campuses invaded. Intimidation tactics used against our Jewish communities. Rioting, looting, taking over our streets, and chanting death to Canada while burning our national flag. It brings me to tears that I see Canada becoming a shit-hole to live in! We're not safe anymore, not in our schools, not in our places of worship, and not in our homes. We can't find meaningful employment, and the price of everything has shot up sky high because of the staggering demand for more, because of immigration policies run amok.

When did this start?! When Trudeau was elected by grandstanding, championing women's rights, LGBT values, and promising “Sunny ways”. He appealed to his voter base of immigrants, and brought in BOATLOADS to swell the liberal party's influence. Whole neighbourhoods were replaced by people who don't share our values or traditions. Soon, they permeated our children's schools with their morals, and anyone speaking out against such repulsive ideology was shamed, blamed, and publicly humiliated. They oozed their way into our government, and drafted laws to protect the muslim community. They invented a word called “Islamophobia”, using the West's superior intellect and compassion against them to further their cause. They imported weapons and ammunition, and trained splinter cells of terrorists on Canadians soil. Now they've become embedded in Canadian society, and like a killer virus, it won't be easy to get rid of them.

Last night Montreal police say at least three people were arrested after anti-NATO and pro-hamas demonstrators converged in the city's downtown core. Protesters threw objects at Police, lit two vehicles on fire, and smashed windows as the city hosts the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.

CBC called them “Pro-palestinian”. This falls right in line with the left-wing narrative of “poor muslims”.

The RCMP is working with local Police on this matter. However, as of Saturday afternoon, Montreal Police said they have not received any reports of antisemitic acts or other hate crimes in relation to the riots. This may change by Sunday, as many Canadian leaders are chiming in on the assault on our Canadian way of life. Many are claiming “There must be consequences, and rioters held accountable”.

At the Halifax International Security Forum on Saturday, Foreign Affairs Minister, Mélanie Joly, and Defence Minister, Bill Blair, stated the actions of the rioters were “Unacceptable”. “This was nothing like lawful, peaceful protests”, Blair claimed, “This was anarchy. It was engagement in violence and hatred on display in the city of Montreal”. Blair later tweeted, “The scenes of violence and hatred on the streets of Montreal were unacceptable. These were not peaceful protesters but anarchists, intent on vandalism and chaos. In particular, I want to unequivocally condemn the anti-Semitic behaviour we witnessed. Hate has no place in Canada.”

[Slow clap] I agree one hundred and twenty percent, Bill. These ARE anarchist bent on violence and chaos. After all, that's the type of behaviour these people grew up with. They brought their morals from their shit-hole, third-world country to ours. The Liberal government has given free reign to these people, claiming its good for Canada's diversity. Meanwhile, this ethic group is attacking another ethic group living in Canada, and using our country as a platform to stage their hateful rhetoric, and Trudeau will do NOTHING about it out of fear of upsetting anyone.

This all comes mere days after the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. Meanwhile, Canada's leader fanned the flames by his own actions and inaction; Prime Minister Justin Trudeau suggested that Canada would abide by any rulings of the ICC if it comes to carrying out an arrest for Benjamin Netanyahu. The court claimed there was reasonable grounds to believe that Netanyahu committed “The war crime of starvation as a method of warfare; and the crimes against humanity of murder, persecution, and other inhumane acts”. Trudeau didn’t directly criticize the ICC’s decision, which would have fallen in line with the United States' attitude toward the matter; President Joe Biden has publicaly condemned the arrest warrents. “It’s really important that everyone abide by International law,” Trudeau said, adding, “We will stand by all the regulations and rulings of the International courts.” Relations between Canada and Israel turned ugly last year after Trudeau urged Israel to conduct themselves with restraint in Gaza. Trudeau is the only G7 leader who has not visited Israel to show support after the worst massacre of the Jews since the Holocaust. Top leaders in Italy, France, Germany, Japan, the U.K. and the United States of America have all made such visits. Trudeau won't do the right thing, because it doesn't fit with the left-wing narrative, and he's afraid of alienating his foreign voter base.

It must be understand that these pro-Iranian proxy sympathizers who burn flags, chant death to Canada and their allies, riot, loot, and commit violence as an intimidation tactic, desire this for every single Jewish person on Earth, but use the word “Zionist” to cloak their intentions. Look up the word “Taquiya*”, but be warned, even the definition online is now a lie.

Quebec Premier, François Legault, is one of many politicians who took to X Saturday to criticize the protest. “The violent and hateful scenes we witnessed last night in the streets of Montreal, with attacks specifically targeting the Jewish community, are unacceptable”, Premier François Legault stated, adding, “Burning cars and ransacking windows is not a message, it is causing chaos. Such acts have no place in a peaceful society such as Quebec.”

Justin Trudeau was attacked on social media Friday night, as videos of the Prime Minister attending a Taylor Swift’s concert in Toronto circulated on the internet. Emerging video shows the disgraced Canadian leader dancing with teenage girls. The gist? While the city he supposedly represents in Parliament was susceptible to another night of violence, vandalism and rioting, Captain Canada was out partying. Like the Roman Emperor, Nero, Trudeau dances while the city burns.

Conservative Leader, Pierre Poilievre, criticized the riots and Trudeau on X, saying, “Violent mobs riot and rampage through beautiful Montreal, typifying the chaos that is engulfing our once-peaceful country after nine years of Trudeau's radical, divisive agenda”.

Andrew Scheer stated, “Trudeau dances away the night while violent anti-semites riot in Montreal. Trudeau doesn’t have to deal with the consequences of his toxic and woke identity politics. He’s caused division and allowed hateful groups to incite violence and riot through the streets. He has degraded the things that used to unite us, like Canada’s national identity and our history. Elites like him never feel the effects of the chaos they cause. But the common people do. So let’s all remember this all the way until the next election. When we can finally put an end to his disastrous term.”

AMEN, brother!

This all took place a little more than 24 hours after a mob of terrorist sympathizers forced their way into Concordia University’s downtown Hall building, and occupied the lobby on November 21st. Some were filmed performing Nazi salutes, and threatening Jewish counter-demonstrators of the upcoming “Final solution”, while others flashed hamas hate symbols.

Sunni ways... sunni ways. OH! You thought he meant “Sunny”!?! Boy were we ever wrong, eh?

Just remember kids, if we all pay our taxes and we all do as we are told by the government, they are going to take good care of us, and everything is going to be fine. Seriously.... 

....I'm being sarcastic, of course.

WHERE is the Emergencies Act for these violent rioters?! Only three arrests?? There's a massive crowd destroying property and rioting! Why wasn't the riot Police brought in?! Why weren't they ALL herded off to jail? Thankfully for those cowards protesting, they didn’t have bouncy castles, and weren't singing our National anthem.... Otherwise they’d have been curb stomped, had their bank accounts frozen, and would have been sent to prison for a decade!

Before I go, I just wanted to share with you a little tidbit about CBC and X. Apparently the executives at CBC got their panties in a royal twist when X chose to label CBC's channel as “Government funded” since CBC is awarded $1.3 BILLION dollars each year. CBC threatened to pull their account off X, arguing that they bring in advertisement money, charities, and donations that account for 33% of their income. So....... X changed the title to “67% Government-funded media”. “Canadian Broadcasting Corp said they're 'less than 70% government-funded', so we corrected the label”, Musk tweeted on Monday evening. 

Taquiya* - A political lie, used by arabs according to their Holy book, the Quran.

FYI.... I'm Kilroy.

December 16th, 2024
Chrystia Freeland has quit Trudeau's Cabinet. This news came out Monday morning, as a letter penned to the Prime Minister from Freeland announced her intentions. Her departure comes the very same day as she, Canada's Finance Minister, was to deliver the Fall Economic Statement.

At first I thought she was quitting because she was embarrassed to announce such a lousy fiscal quarter. After all, the rampant spending of the Liberals to buy votes will cost billions! However, after further research I had discovered that Justin Trudeau asked her to quit on Friday.

 Freeland wrote, "On Friday, you told me you no longer want me to serve as your Finance Minister and offered me another position in the cabinet, Upon reflection, I have concluded that the only honest and viable path is for me to resign from the cabinet. To be effective, a Minister must speak on behalf of the Prime Minister and with his full confidence. In making your decision, you made clear that I no longer credibly enjoy that confidence and possess the authority that comes with it. For the past number of weeks, you and I have found ourselves at odds about the best path forward for Canada...."

Is this another woman that Trudeau, the self-declared feminist, has driven from office?! In 2019 Trudeau ejected Jody Wilson-Raybould and Jane Philpott from Caucus. Now he's driven Chrystia Freeland, a Liberal powerhouse and an individual many believed was Trudeau's heir, from his personal Cabinet. So much for women's rights, eh?

Chrystia quit because she was "At odds" with Trudeau over what she called "Costly political gimmicks".

What does the opposition have to say? You can almost hear the "Jaws" movie theme as the hungry sharks circle the Liberal boat. Dun- DUN. Dun-DUN.

"Justin Trudeau has lost control, but he’s hanging onto power", Poilievre said, "All this chaos, all this division, all this weakness is happening as our largest neighbor and closest ally is imposing 25% tariffs under a recently elected Trump with a strong mandate, a man who knows how to identify weakness".

“As a country we have to project strength,” Ontario Premier Doug Ford stated, adding, “It’s chaos right now up in Ottawa!”

In a statement, NDP leader, Jagmeet Singh said, "While the Liberals fight with each other, I believe we should be fighting for Canadians jobs at risk from Donald Trump’s tariffs".

 Dun- DUN. Dun-DUN. Dun- DUN. Dun-DUN.

Chrystia Freeland was not only Canada's Finance Minister, but also Deputy Prime Minister, a title given to her by Justin. There must have been some bad blood and tears shed for Freeland to announce her resignation by publishing a letter on social media that obviously criticizes the Prime Minister, mere hours before Chrystia was supposed to table the Federal government’s Fall Economic Statement.

Where does this leave the Trudeau Liberals? Besides scrambling for the lifeboats, and trying to garner votes with stimulus cheques and a GST holiday, both which will cost Canadian tax payers in the end (Plus interest), they are forced to announce over a billion dollars worth of new border security measures designed to help Canada avoid Trump’s threat of a 25% tax on all imports.

The question is, will Canadians buy it? We're now without a Finance Minister at the helm, and Trudeau doesn't know how to be fiscally responsible.....

....but the budget will balance itself, eh? Canadians bought it the first time.... and second.. and third... BUT!! Will they buy it a FOURTH time? (Good gawd, I can't believe I have to say that - four times!?)

Only time will tell. 



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