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Hope goes to die

 " You're under arrest" I heard her cry

Even though the reasons were wrong!

Cops throw me in a place where hope goes to die.

No help from home makes days long!

If heaven and hell sport a place of limbo

Made of concrete steel and bar

In earnest? Did I search, for even a symbol

Where tattoos and tattered hearts have no par

In a world of bright orange, there's no black or white

And garbage for shoes that fall off your feet

Prison politics at play where nothing is right

Men like zombies do meet

" Reg or PC?" Did the warden thus ask

The choice of which is a matter of pride

To be accepted in a community of criminals, a task!

Where no speaking the truth did he slide

Teaching each other the tools of the trade

No whistling just one of the rules

On dirt and crusted floors,  better criminals are made

No talk of details in the land of the fools

Each day is the same, as time lingers on

'Cept for canteen,  Those that can afford

The price! In a place where phones cost a song

Snitches get stitches, spoken words are a sword

A good cellmate can make all the difference

With books, puzzles, crosswords, and cards

You can get banged off the range, no deliverance

For speaking your mind, go against the grain. It's hard!

Where guards do the minimal, protecting themselves

"the crown" Needs a swift kick from karma

Like "1984" Where everything is backwards

It's jail for profit and big pharma

No justice,  no peace,  it's all a big hoax

No access to lawyers, no morals, no brains 

Suffering from virus, the miserable bloke

No progress in life does he gain

The food,  while fancy, small portions they serve 

With gravy, and sauces and slop

Even the 'tatters Ave green bits. The nerve!

Though request after request to stop!

TV is a coveted play on prison politics

Where range boss runs the roost for small gains

A radio becomes loved,though sadly no mix

Of songs. Oh! Oh Lord the insane are the pains

Prisoners turn to God for release

Dark "Welfare cells" are boring

With twice the capacity there's no peace

Excessive waste sends costs soaring! 

With no real way to reach family and friends 

And only one visit per week

Hope is all a prisoner can do

Without means a man can seek

Lost to the system, due to manipulative lies

And corruption straight from the judge

The windows allow prisoners to see what they miss

Release! Or Justice won't budge.

S*****er on the left,  pisser on the right.

And showers with underwear on

Its arts and crafts made of towels and sheets

The hustle it's all a con

This is the place where hope comes to die

While body and brain goes to rot.

The irony is we're guilty till innocent

No justice is ever sought 


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