The "Justice of Peace " is the biggest of hoax
No peace and no Justice does that b**** invoke!
The gutache is par with the pain in my heart
No food and the state of innocence is to start
The "Crown" can go suck a big bag of dicks
She's sexist and brain dead and therefore is sick-
Of corruption! That twat thus looks down her nose.
At Men, And therefore is dangerous, a threat does she pose.
The biggest of lies is the "correction" facility
Where prisoners are kept at the barest abilities.
To learn! Oh, the irony! It's all a big lie!
This is the place where hope goes to die.
The hunger and pain is not just lack of food.
It's Justice and truth where none does exude.
The whole "Justice system" is completely corrupt.
Police, the "Crown " and the judge, my ass they can SUCK!!
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