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Insirational Quotations

An artist needs to experience trial and tribulation in order to render their soul capable to inspire the rare and delicate fantasies that exist within the vibrant cord of the heart. It is only through such persecution that the exquisite melodrama and strength of character are realized. For without struggle, without hardship, and without pain, an artist cannot express them self and truly relate to others." - Zzorhn Carlson, July 2012

I'm not a staunch Conservative, nor am I a die-hard Liberal. I am Canadian born and raised, so I grew up as a socialist. I know that Canada and the United States of America do NOT have a honest democracy. I feel compelled to try and rectify the propaganda and rhetoric produces by the “Legacy media” in North America. - Zzorhn Carlson, July 2023

 There are three kinds of men: The ones that learn by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves - Will Rogers

"My heart is my Achilles heel." - Zzorhn Carlson, June 27, 2015

I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

Lasciate Ogne Speranza Voi Ch'Intrate – Abandon all hope, who enters here

Ordo ab Chao
"Order from chaos"

“IF I should die”, I said to myself, “I have no immortal work behind me. But, I have lov'd the principal of beauty in all things, and if I had time I would have made myself remembr'd” - Dan Simmons, 1990
When you need to make a decision, regardless of how insignificant it may be, or how polarized you may feel, you only have to remember one thing; how is it going to affect you, in five years from now? - Zzorhn Carlson October 4, 2014

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” - Benjamin Franklin

Death is the great equalizer – Peggy Blair, 2013
Grant me the serenity,
To accept the things I cannot change
Courage, to change the things I can,
And wisdom, to know the difference.
Once one eliminates the impossible, whatever is left, however unlikely, is usually the truth – Unknown
"When other people are angry with you - you can turn inward and escape from them. When it you yourself who is angry with you, turning inward does not work, because no matter how deep you go inside, the angry you is still there" - Dean Koontz
My Mama always said you've got to put the past behind you before you can move on – Forrest Gump
"The destruction of North America will not come from bullet or bomb, but political correctness run amok". - Zzorhn Carlson, September 2009
“Chronic remorse, as all the moralists are agreed, is a most undesirable sentiment. IF you have behaved badly, repent, make what amends you can and address yourself to the task of behaving better next time. On NO account BROOD over your wrongdoing! Rolling in the muck is NOT the best way of getting clean” - Aldous Huxley, 1946
"I had great reason to consider it as a determination of Heaven that in this desolate place, and in this desolate manner, I should end my life. The tears would run plentifully down my face when I made these reflections, and sometimes I would expostulate with myself why Providence should thus completely ruin its creature, and render them so depressed, that it would hardly be rational to be thankful for such a life" - Daniel Defoe, 1955

I seek refuge with GOD from Satan, the accursed
"Everyone has phases where they act like a fool - I just happen to have most of mine on video......" - Zzorhn Carlson, 2011

They are those who do not bear false witness, and when the come across falsehood, they pass it by with dignity – Quran 25:72
You cannot choose who you fall in love with. Human emotions are not something we make in rationalization - rather we "feel" a certain way; insomuch, how we feel, comprise our emotions, which are in turn, tempered by our personality, and experiences. We can, however, choose to act on our emotions, ergo, we can choose who we have a relationship with, but, not who we love."  Zzorhn Carlson, August 20 2012

Fuelled by a moment... and condensation...? Fuck YOU and the HORSE you THINK you ride!!” - Dan Simmons, 1990
"The lesson here, is that, the decision can be legally correct, and still be unjust" - Capt. Bill Toti, 1999
“Those who ignore history's lessons in the ultimate folly of war are forced to do more than relive them, they may be forced to die by them... I say to you now that we must remember these two things above all: First, that we fight for peace and know that war must NEVER be a condition, but rather, a temporary scourge which we suffer as a child does a fever, knowing that health follows the long night of pain, and that peace is health. Second, that we must NEVER surrender or waver or bend to lesser voices or more comfortable impulses... Never waiver, until victory is ours, aggression is undone, and the peace is won!!” - “The Fall of Hyperion”, Dan Simmons, March 1990
Everyone wants to be happy. Most people will say, "I want happiness", however, a smart person will realize you have to remove one's ego, by taking out the word "I", and you need to remove desire by taking out the word "want". Only then, are you left with "Happiness".
“Oh! Sweet fuck!” - Dan Simmons
"This is the first entry in my journal. Perhaps the tensions of the moment are making me over-dramatic. My journal may prove completely worthless and a waste of time. Yet, as a historian, I must satisfy the impulse to record what is happening around me" - Leon Uris, 1961
“You ask what is our aim? I answer in one word. It is VICTORY, victory at all costs, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.....” - Dan Simmons
Reality, is simply one's interpretation of a given set of occurances. Everyone shares a common reality, yet not everyone shares the same interpretation of the occurrence.  - Zzorhn Carlson, 2006
Knowing what has to be done is not the same as knowing what to do – Zzorhn Carlson, June 2023
"We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. Medicine, law, business, engineering, are all noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for." - Robin Williams, Dead Poet's Society
Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em all out - Old mercenary proverb
Remember that when life body-checks you into the rink wall, tuck your chin, keep your stick on the ice, and focus on the puck."  Zzorhn Carlson, January 30th, 2017

What you call riots are the first death throes of a society..... - Dan Simmons, 1990

“Those who fail to learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.” - Sir Winston Churchill

“Ravenous as a result of the relentless anxiety” - “Seal Team Six”, Don Mann and Ralph Pezzullo, 2015

In all things, never view one side when it comes to opinions and plights. For it is only when you examine the issue from both sides that you can truly make an informed judgement." - Zzorhn Carlson, June 7th, 2017
“It is a sin to believe evil of others, but it is seldom a mistake” - H.L. Mencken.
Dreams can mean many things. It's a mirror to the soul, and entertainment for the mind. In our dreams, we can live out the things that scare us the most, safely, within the confines of our mind. Acts committed during dreams are not an indication of who we are; they are a measure of how we are dealing with daily issues. What we dream about, does not define us, but our actions do. Live in your dreams,and make the good ones a reality, while you reflect on the negative, and try to understand what your unconscious mind is telling you, so you can make positive changes in your life. But sometimes, just sometimes, a dream is just a dream. - Zzorhn Carlson - Nov 18, 2014
“Civilian life is more difficult to those who know and understand the difference” - Zzorhn Carlson June 26th, 2023
"Once you elevate yourself past the darkness of others, all you can see is the light." - Zzorhn Carlson, July 8th, 2015

No one ever notices your best moments; they just picked up on your mistakes and failures, and kept throwing them back at you. - “War Torn”, Andy McNab and Kym Jordan
"Just remember, that everytime you kiss a woman, you are sucking on a tube that's thirty feet long, and three quarters full of of shit!" - Pamela Bujold (My mom) 1985 ad.
“Allah doesn't leave a lot to chance” - “War Torn, pg 268, Andy McNab and Kym Jordan
“I have learned that the ambition of those who follow selfish precepts is no more than a chaotic waste, a finite gain that must be followed by infinite loss. For there is indeed a harmony in the universe, a concordant singing of common weal. To join that song, one must find inner harmony, must find the notes that ring true. There is one other point to be made about that truth: Evil creatures cannot sing.” ― R.A. Salvatore, Sojourn 
We are created for precisely this sort of suffering. In the end it is all we are, these limpid tide pools of self-consciousness between crashing waves of pain. We are destined and designed to bear our pain with us, hugging it tight to our bellies like the young Spartan thief hiding a wolf cub so it can eat away our insides..... Words assail me. The thought of books makes me ache! Poetry echoes in my mind, and if I had the ability to banish it, I would do so at once.... To be a poet..... A TRUE POET, was to become the avatar of humanity incarnate, to accept the mantle of poet is to carry the cross of man; to suffer the birth pangs of the soul – Mother of humanity.... To be a TRUE POET is to become a god! In the end it doesn't matter a DAMNED bit! We thought we were somehow special, opening our perceptions, honing our empathy, spitting out that cauldron of shared pain onto the dance floor of language and then trying to make a minuet out of all that chaotic hurt. It doesn't matter a damned bit! We're not avatars, no son of man or a god; we're only us, scribbling our CONCEITS alone, reading alone, and dying alone.
"Droplets of water can destroy stone over time, just like negativity can erode love." - Zzorhn Carlson, January 26th, 2017
Dying becomes easier with practice – embrace death if death offers embrace, and be done with it. - Dan Simmons 1990
For in the end we are but dust, and to dust we MUST return. For that is the way of things. One cannot stop this no matter how folly we try. So LIVE! LIVE! For that TOO is the nature of things – Zzorhn Carlson June 22nd, 2023
Canadians were responsible for many of the crimes.... Not because of anything they did themselves, but because they were so easily victimized – “The Poisoned Pawn”, Peggy Blair, 2013
“Greater love has no one than this: that a man lay down his life for his friends” “The Bible”, John 15:13
"That sentence is so deliciously written, it's akin to licking silk" - Zzorhn Carlson, May 17, 2014
Physical courage is often needed to overcome our fear of the consequences of failure. Moral courage more often than not, confronts the fear of the consequences of our success – Senator John McCain
A man in love, becomes a poet. - Zzorhn Carlson, Sept. 29, 2014

Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm – Anonymous

Freedom is like ice cream... You taste a little, and you want more - “Seal Team Six – Hunt the Fox”, 2015

Change calls the tune we dance – Deadwood

"Immigration without assimilation is an invasion; any individual immigrating legally or illegally to any country should do so with the mindset of accepting and adopting the traditions and customs of the citizens of said country." - Zzorhn Carlson, March 29th, 2017

“Pain or damage don't end the world[SIC], or despair, or fucking beatings. The world ends when you're dead. Until then, you got more punishment in store. Stand like a man, and give some back” - “Seal Team Six – Hunt the Fox”, 2015

"Walk softly and carry a big stick,they say....... I SAY, walk with pride beside your fellow man but be humble in the face of the Lord our God, prepare for the storm on the horizon and the possibility of human conflict just like you prepare your heart for the second coming of Christ, and in the name of all that's Holy... Arm yourself to the best of your ability. Amen" - Zzorhn Carlson, September 13th, 2017

“To mystify, mislead, and surprise the enemy, is one of the first principals in war” - Sun Tzu

Sometimes it seems that no matter how hard you try, things turn out badly. Love affairs end, marriages become bitter, people you know intimately turn on you like a rabid dog, and those you know die. Nothing ever stays the same – Zzorhn Carlson June 25th, 2023

"Always find the good in every situation. That which makes us feel pain, teaches us to become stronger. It's only the steel that's exposed to the raw fury of the elements that becomes the keen edged sword. Through exposure to air, water, and flame, extreme pressure and torture, does the metal become tempered and honed. Those lumps of raw steel that remain safe in the ground will never find their true potential". - September 19th, 2017

"Just because you FEEL a certain way doesn't make it REALITY" - Zzorhn Carlson, January 18th, 2019


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