BANG, BANG! BANG!! Upon the cell door
I scramble from my wrist to see more
At first there's no response from the guards
But! One, then two stride across the yard
Then the sergeant arrives, Nay! But two!
What to do? It's a zoo of the downtrodden and waste-
Of humanity.
The response? They haul out the cell mates
Make for the segregation cell and wait
For the sergeant. Who has the last call
Is it a weekend in the hole? Another stall?
Then the call, " Fuck you" is heard -
Uttered by the rat in frustration at the word -
He is to endure the harsh reality awaiting him
We all clamor to see more. Is that a war? A fight?
There's only speculation, but with all his might
The top brass leads the prisoner away
E'en The man still screams. Nay!
Yells at the correction officers deciding his fate
At the gate, to await a prison within a prison
The show is over as quickly as it started
With only a blanket and some canteen is carted
A way to another place within the prison
Yet! The screams continue down the hall
Echoing down the bare walls, he calls -
For who knows who or what
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