The "Truth", the whole "Truth", and nothing but the "Truth"!
In a court of "law", the truth is but aloof.
Canadian courts are nothing but a sham.
Especially if you're unfortunate to find yourself a man
"Correctional" facilities have nothing for correction
Just like "justice of the peace" is only an infection-
Of lies!! And therefore nothing but corrupt.
From lawyers to the pigs, the sexism erupts,
George Orwell's "Big Brother" from 1984
Foretold of a society that would be more-
Akin to dystopian. It's called "double think"
Where holding two ideals, a lie, it really does stink!
It's wrong, it's immoral and needing to stop.
But now it's embedded, right from the top.
The "truth"? Not in canada! Not anymore!
Just go on and ask herself.... T#&&y the whore...
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