A big shout out to all my Zzorhnamaniacs! It's been since 2006. That was when I wrote my first blog. Since then, I've had over a 100000 page views by different people. I've kept it online diary, which was one of the big features. However, from jello shooter recipes to my personal thoughts, people have been viewing my videos and my pictures and reading the material that I produce on a near daily basis.
So where is it? Where's all the stuff that I've done?
It's a long story however if I was to break it down quickly, It's because of a vengeful, manipulative woman who sought to purposely destroy everything I have done.
My website was just one thing she destroyed.
This individual decided to take down my accounts. Which means I couldn't even get my emails no more. She used my Accounts to sell all my belongings and then shut it down. I feel like i've been robbed. No, raped. I feel like I've been raped...
.... But the London police are not in any hurry to help me in any way.
So here I sit waiting for the phone call to come in. To let me know that I can go and get my stuff. To finally get my ID. Like, maybe assess the damage and loss. Maybe get my dog.
There should be piles and piles of documents on a website with the link Zzorhn.ca there really should... but this woman deleted it ALL!
I really don't know what to say. Like I said, I feel as though I've been raped. All that material that I've written, all that material that I've done in video or picture, all the pictures that I painted. Gone.
Gone. I might be able to salvage most of the material. If I can get my computer back. That's a big IF! I'm scared shitless to what I'm going to find. Or rather what I'm not going to find. This journal has been dated July 25th. If I've managed to get my stuff back or if I've managed to at least get access to the apartment and find out what I've lost. Then some of this information may not be relevant.
I just want to thank everybody for their help. This is a really hard time for me. I guess it's true what they say. You don't know what you have until you've lost it. I'm just praying to God that I'll be able to get my stuff back.
You'll be seeing more posts again. I've already started the latest chapter of my diary. Chapter 37..... That's a lot of information to have gone missing. So much work, Gone...
... There's gonna be a lot of stuff that I'm not able to get recovered. Hopefully my sanity isn't one of them.
My new email is Zzorhn at gmail dot com. Please feel free to write me a letter. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Please don't give up on me because I haven't given up on you. Thank you, "Dear Diary" for always being there for me. Thank you.
Zzorhn J.C.D. Carlson
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