Dear Diary ; I've chosen to post my current thoughts in one single post. I did this because it's so profound. I'll leave a link to my regular diary AKA Obscure Arcanum - Chapter Thirty Eight ... ...yea! Thirty eight (38). Where are all the other chapters? Gone. Like a fart in the wind, all my work online was deleted and is now gone forever. I was able to salvage some of my work, because I managed to get my computer back, however, we're talking nine (9) years of diary writing, PLUS all my work I've EVER done since 2006. Everything before 2022 was destroyed. My email addresses? Destroyed. My paintball company's website. Gone. Pictures, letters, and so much more, merely wiped off the face of the interweb. Everything, gone. There's two flips to this coin; the fact that someone else can do this as easily as logging on to a computer left errantly turned on, and I'm appaulled that someone would commit this evil, destructive act. Three -and-a-half DECADES of ...