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Obscure Arcanum - Chapter Forty

   A DIARY (also called a journal) is a record (originally in handwritten format) with discrete entries arranged by date reporting on what has happened over the course of a day or other period. A personal diary may include a person's experiences, and/or thoughts or feelings, including comment on current events outside the writer's direct experience. Someone who keeps a diary is known as a diarist.

An artist needs to experience trial and tribulation in order to render their soul capable to inspire the rare and delicate fantasies that exist within the vibrant cord of the heart. It is only through such persecution that the exquisite melodrama and strength of character are realized. For without struggle, without hardship, and without pain, an artist cannot express them self and truly relate to others." - Zzorhn Carlson, July 2012, Inspiration Quotations

Have you ever wanted the chance to read someone's diary? Here's your chance. 

Chapter Thirty Seven

Chapter Thirty Eight

Chapter Thirty Nine

On ONLINE DIARY? Aren't diaries supposed to be private? Yes, and typically yes. However, I have chosen to write on a public forum, and have been doing so for almost two decades, so I don't see the point of quitting. Wait! If I've been writing an online diary since 2006, there WHERE IS IT ALL?!

Where is everything?

I have managed to salvage quite a bit of my work, but between having all my work destroyed  and the loss of a computer, I feel lucky to have saved what I could. Diary entries from 2006 - 2014 were loosely catalogued, but by 2015 I was well into what I called "Turn the Page" series. Then, in 2016 I switched it to the familiar "Obscure Arcanum" and have been writing in this format since then. Sadly, all that's left of my diaries is chapter thirty-seven and onward.

Between the bars of a Jail Cell

  As I read through my work I can get a better sense of who I am as an individual and how my life is evolving, and that's a very helpful tool indeed! Through my words I can get a clear sense of my mindset, emotional state, and focus. It's easy to see when there are dark times in my life, and you can definitely tell when things are going well.

Just a quick note regarding my integrity in this journal;

1) Once something is written / posted, I will not delete it or try to fix it in some way. I feel strongly about this, because it's usually during the times of extreme duress and frustration that I expose my raw emotions the most. Once my work has been witnessed by others, it would be akin to online trolling using a "Bait and Switch" tactic if I were to post something untrue or even libel and then erase it. Regardless of the legality of the situation, and / or the current punishment for posting any such information, there's my own personal integrity to take into consideration. I set the bar high for myself in all things, and my diary is to remain as unmodified as absolutely possible for prosperity sake. 

2) I will not use names in my entries without asking first. Events and / or details can be used, however, any mention of names will be done only with verbal permission.

3) I don't write about every single little thing that I do. This is due to the simplistic fact that I'm certain most people don't care about all the mundane aspects of my life.

Not every chapter in your life will be happy. As you read through the different chapters, you can tell the times I am struggling and the times I'm happy......

.......We all make mistakes in life. As I grow and learn, there are going to be moments where I feel weak, just as there are going to be wonderfully grandiose moments. It is my hope to become a better individual, and these mere diary entries become a success story detailing the hardships and triumphs along the way.


January 1st, 2024

Happy New Year!!

The weather today is cloudy (Big shock). As I write this there's little to no wind. Temperature is -2 with an expected high of 0. The forecast is calling for a little bit of snow on Tuesday, but the daytime temperatures are still expected to be above the freezing mark.

Does anyone else find the fact we received no snow in 2023 (not counting January to March) a bit disconcerting?! No snow, and temperatures above freezing. Lots of rain, but no snow. Even back home there's no snow. Out West there's no snow. I don't know if this is climate change or just a severe El Nino event. It's not good news, as no snow means no moisture to keep the forest fires down. Watershed is limited, and heading into what is probably a hot Summer. We're in a bad situation AKA doesn't look good.

Wish we could ship the wet shit out West. Lord knows London and the surrounding area have received enough rain to last us a few months at least,. Ship the wet shit out West, and give us the sunny, dry days they keep getting.

Enough about the weather.....

.....I didn't go anywhere to celebrate yesterday. I was thinking of going downtown to Victoria Park, but the wet shit (Rain) made me pause and reconsider. It's so difficult to plan anything outdoors, as you're always having to contend with wet shit. Am I making it clear enough that I hate the continuous wet shit? I didn't feel like heading out, even with an umbrella, and stand in near freezing temperatures to count down the new year. Being single with no family means I'd be alone in a crowd. I literally dreaded being alone and chose to go to bed at 7 PM.....

......7 PM. No countdown or nothing. I watched a couple of New Years Eve celebrations on YouTube, and considered that enough. Feeling depressed I headed to bed.....

.....woke up at 6:30 AM to an aching body. I don't know what's wrong with my bed, Dear Diary, but it's the only bed I've experienced that hurts my ribs and back.

I ate all my breakfast this morning, knowing full well that lunch and supper are going to be a bust (Things I won't eat) I normally don't eat breakfast, but when you're dependant on a meal program you don't get to be picky.... If you are it's too bad, because no one is going to cater to you. I'd have to be super hungry to try and eat everything they serve.... Loads of sauces and gravies, onions and garlic. Yuck!

9 AM and I don't know what to do today. I'll probably play a little bit of guitar. Definitely watch YouTube documentaries. you know?  I might even sleep a bit out of boredom. I might go for a walk. Same thing I do everyday....

....I SHOULD be writing! However, I know why I'm not very enthusiastic about writing; I've learned just how easily I can be silenced, and lose all my hard work.

I'm worried my good computer is fried; I discovered to my horror that a smoke machine I owned had fallen in the storage unit and dumped much of its contents on my good BIG computer. Right now I'm using an old laptop, which of course, sucks donkey balls.

I'm limited on my internet. That's another reason I don't write as often as I do. 

Speaking of which, I should get going because I don't want to use up too much of my data. I wish everyone a happy and safe new year, and all the best for 2024! Talk soon.

January 5th

It snowed yesterday. A small skiff of the white stuff covers parts of the city. Today the temperature is below freezing.

I went and took the big computer to my room, and pulled it apart. To my joy the liquid wasn't as bad as originally thought, and I spent about 15 minutes cleaning it up. Then I plugged it in and fired it up. Yay! It works! I can't state how happy that made me! However, I didn't have a monitor to see if it was fully fixed, so that's my goal for today.

I'm reading my Bible almost everyday. I find turning to God helps me when I'm struggling. 

I've pretty much made the choice to move back to North-Western Ontario. Now I just have to formulate a plan.

Nothing much else to say, except that it took until January 4th to get snow in London. The weather should be more seasonable I believe. 

Hope you have a great Friday! Talk to you soon.

January 7th

I passed a Church yesterday as I made my way to the mall, and there was a sign in the front of the Church that read, "Whoever is praying for rain, please STOP". See? It's a  thing. I'm not the only one who is sick to death of wet overcast skies. The rain turned to snow by evening, and this morning there's a skim of ice and snow over the ground. I'd hate to be living "Rough" in these weather conditions!

Whoever is praying for this crap overcast weather, please stop. For the love of all that's Holy, stop! Enough is enough.

Big news, Dear Diary, I'm using my big computer to write this entry! Yay! I managed to find a small monitor that works, and now I can even play MechWarrior. (When I can get it to load on my sloooooow internet off my phone)

I went to the Chapel this morning for service. It feels good for the soul to be attending some sort of Church gather. 

That's all I really had to say, and I was merely testing the internet anyway. I found the sign amusing, but oh! So truthful! I'm not the only one sick of this weather.... And out West they're crying for rain or snow. At least we know you couldn't get a forest fire started near London.

Oh! On a side note... I forgot to mention that due to the war in the Middle East Christmas was cancelled in Bethlehem in 2023. Christmas cancelled in the place of Jesus' birth..... soon. 

January 7th - 6 PM

It's above freezing with heavy cloud. All the snow has melted. I mean, for January this weather is pretty good, in my humble opinion, minus the clouds. It's the cold that I detest, and above freezing in January. Yup! I'll take it.

Lunch and supper were a bust; both meals consisted of something I don't like. 

The internet is slow, but working thus far. 

Another day with nothing really important to say.

January 11th

Good morning, Dear Diary. It's snowing to beat the dickens, BUT! I'm told this is just a precursor of things to come. The forecast calls for FrIgId temperatures, and a good shellacking of snow. Something something polar vortex.

Yeah, the whole of Canada is getting nailed. Out in the Eastern Coast there's tons of snow, just like the Western coast, while the Provinces in between are getting blanketed by a massive Winter storm that apparently started in Siberia. Different weather systems, but all combining in a show of force to properly announce the Winter of '24.

"Nothing really important to say" - This is a lie by omission; there's TONS happening right now, just not anything that particularly pertains to little ol' moi. The war in Ukraine is at a stand-still. The war against Hamas is blowing up (Pun intended) as all sorts of armed factions are using any excuse to demonize and / or attack the Jews.  African nations are in turmoil. South America is a hot-bed of violence. China is still poised to attack Taiwan. The US is like that drunk buddy of yours that seems to get into a fight every time they go out. (It's all like, I love you man, but you're a dick) Half the world is calling for a ceasefire (UN & pro-Hamas) while the other half is calling for the death of Western society. (BRICS) Basically, different day same shit.

I've decided to go home. I'm making plans to protect my most important stuff. It's going to take time and cost me a lot of money, but I believe that it is in my best interest to go back to North-Western Ontario. I know, I know, I keep repeating this, but I'm really undecided and hoping for some sort of sign or something. I guess sitting around doing nothing is wearing on my soul, and it's affecting my drive to do better, be better. 

It's almost time for lunch (Not that I'm going to eat it), and a chance at a hot cup of coffee. Hope you're hunkered down somewhere warm! Have a great Thursday!!

January 13th

Windy with temperatures like a yo-yo. Last night we got a few CM of snow, only to have it switch to rain, and then switch back to snow. The forecast is a major "Winter cyclone" caused by a polar vortex coming out of the Arctic. Snow, extreme wind, and temperatures plunging to negative 10 degrees (High) for the next few days, and down to negative 20 at night. Winter, it would seem, is here in all her fury.

I wish I could say I am going to hunker down and hibernate, but I've got appointments on the 15th and the 17th......

......on Wednesday I am mailing all my important things to my Dad's. The choice has been made to safeguard my stuff by getting them the Hell out of London and back to North-Western Ontario. I'm worried I won't have enough money to send everything that's important, and I fear of leaving behind more stuff....'d think by now I would be used to losing my belongings, but in truth it's made me even more bitter and resentful. I've walked away form tens of thousands of dollars in terms f equipment and belongings. Now I just want to safeguard the little bit I have left.

I'm up early because of a nightmare. I dreamed I was back I time with my Grandparents at the family cabin. The haunting images depicted losing them, one at a time, and I woke up with a jolt. Now I just feel lonely and sad.

Sunday, January the 14th, 2024

Good morning, Dear Diary. The sun is shining, but don't let it fool you as the temperature is below freezing. We're just catching the tail end of a snow storm, and now a cold front is moving in. I hear the temperature is going to sink to twenty below tonight!! Can you imagine sleeping outside in this type of weather? People are.... I see them outside my window in fact. Can you imagine being outside with nothing but a light tent and some canvass to block the blowing wing and frigid temperatures? And, to add insult to injury, they camp out alongside a facility that houses homeless people, offering a heated room, a bed, and three hot meals a day. I can't imagine it, because I wouldn't camp outside a homeless shelter.... IF I HAD to do it I would go alongside the river, at least there it would seem a little more like camping and not so much as simple survival. No fires allowed either.... That'll get the cops called REAL fast. At least I'm somewhere warm, able to safeguard my belongings, and actually enjoy my stuff, like play guitar or play Mechwarrior..... Or write....

....not doing much writing lately. I haven't given up on it, but rather, I'm depressed, and don't want to do anything I enjoy. I found the beginning of a novel I was working on, and I started reading it. Been so long I'd have to completely re-read the book to figure out how the story line goes again. I should write that shit down this time. I know how I want the story to go, but it's a matter of writing it.

I went to the chapel this morning for Sunday service. It was nice to have our Pastor back. He's been gone for over a week with COVID. Yup! COVID 1984 is still a thing. I hear tell it's never really going to go away, much like the common flue. Something about a triple whammy for hospitals in Canada. I forget what the article said, but there's three types of influenza (Including COVID) type viruses circulating in our society.

The US and UK just bombed Yemen again, targeting the Houthis (A terrorist organization by UN standards) This raises a major concern, because in essence it's akin to a proxy war with Iran. A coalition of Aussies, Canadians, USA, Britain, and more are trying to safeguard the shipping lanes alongside the Yemen coast, and are now actively targeting military installations and ammunition dumps. A coalition verses the Houthis..... Or rather, The United States of America is attacking Iranian interests. Ergo, a war with Iran..... one declares war on each other anymore. I mean, back in the day there was mighty proclamations about going to war, like "I SHALT DECLARE WAR ON THOU"!! (I so heard that in my head - Read that again but with an old British accent) DO NOT MAKE ME SMACK THEE, FOR I SHALT SLAP THEE!! Where was I? Right.... Nowadays, not so much. They just start shooting at each other. 

So let's get this straight..... The US and allies are in a proxy war with Russia and Iran. And there's no sign of slowing down (Unless you count the USA politicians dragging their feet on securing their own border and sending aid to Ukraine) It's only going to get messier as time goes on.

As the saying goes, everything works well and according to plan right up until the first bullet is fired. Or is it, no well thought out plan survives the first engagement? Something like that. You know what I'm trying to tell you, eh? Anyway, we're up to our necks in terms of current wars. All we need is for China to pop off... Awwe shit... I wrote it down, didn't I? I just jinxed the whole shebang. Let's hope my prediction doesn't come true.

Yes, there are times when I'm happy I'm wrong. Seriously hoping I'm wrong about my predictions for current engagements and future wars, because from where I'm sitting it looks bleak. 

It's like there's two different realities..... One of comfort and security, and the other of war, hunger, and pain. People walk around with their cell phones shoved up their face, ignorant of the reality that surrounds them. Meanwhile, people are fighting for their very right to exist. The differences are so vast! One side is fighting World War Three (I did the math - a war in Europe where the USA and allies sends supplies) and the other is oblivious all wrapped up in their own little bubble.

Let's see.... Breakfast. Check! Sunday service? Check! Morning prayers? You bet! Writing in my diary? Checkeroni! Hmm.... Guess I'm off to a good start. I'm going to go and feed the birds, poor things out in the cold. I hope you have a good day! Talk soon!

January 15th

Holy cracker! It's COLD outside today. The mercury hit negative eighteen last night, with wind-chill making if feel like negative twenty-five! Again, I'm thankful I'm safe and warm when the elements are as potentially deadly as they are today. I think about the people who ARE outside, and what they must do to stay alive. 

I've heard that out on the Canadian prairies the temperature has hit negative FIFTY! Yikes!

I don't really have much to report at the moment; things are pretty much the same all over the world, as well. If things change I'll let you know. Hope you have a great Monday, and that you are nice and warm.

January 17th

Good afternoon, Dear Diary. The weather is cold with temperatures around negative twelve. (-12) Celsius with sunshine. Yup! The ol' sun is shining brightly, but with Windchill it's negative thirty (-30). Yikes!

Regardless of the cold, I managed to get some of my stuff mailed to my Dad's. Yes, Dear Diary, I've made my choice to GTFO of London. Now I just have to wait and see what happens to my court case. Depending on how things go I'll be heading back to North-Western Ontario.

Not much else is going on in my life, but I thought it important to say how I've made my choice, and now most of my important stuff is on its way, safeguarded to my Dad's house. All I have to do is finish up all the other stuff, and then I'll be heading that way too. This is a big choice I've made, as I came to London to get away from all the negative stuff I was experiencing, and moving back means facing some of my adversaries and nay-sayers. Oh well, time heals and changes things. Let's hope this choice is a good one.

There's lots happening in the world, but nothing much has really changed.

Well, I hope you have a great Humpday! Talk soon.

February 7th

Good morning, Dear Diary. The sun is rising as I write this, and it looks to be another glorious day outside. Temperatures are above the freezing mark. This is the third day of sun.... I feel spiritually recharged from the sunshine.

I haven't written much because there's not really much going on in my life. I've been spending my days reading, visiting with other homeless people in the shelter, as well as, playing Mechwarrior on my computer.  I have a private room, so I am able to have such luxuries in a homeless shelter. Another factor would be that incident at Tim Hortons, where some random guy called me out for speaking about "Moderate muslims". (See chapter thirty nine) I'm an opinionated guy, but to have what I had written all twisted up and completely out of context, thrown in my face? Let's just say that I am weary of criticizing anything at the moment. Not really fearful, but rather, cautious about what I write. Right now the world is sitting on a powder keg, and much of what I have to say is pretty scathing....

...for example, I am sick to death of watching my country slowly becoming something I don't even recognize anymore. I'm ticked off that the current government is committing unethical acts and in some cases criminal, and yet, Trudeau and his goons keep getting away with shit that would cause the average Canuckian to go to jail. I'm devastated that Canada and other Western nations are cow-toeing to the whims of foreigners IE: Palestinians crying "To the river to the sea"... (We're ISRAEL'S ally, and it's about DAMNED time we act like it!) Speaking out against this bullshit is akin to committing public suicide.

I've made the choice to go home to North-Western Ontario, but this means starting over from scratch, something I feel daunting. There's so much bullshit circulating about me, and it's a much smaller population...... More chances to be accosted by someone believing the lies I know are out there.

Truth is the new hate speech.  This is my life in a nutshell.... That's why I'm not writing.

February 10th

Good afternoon, Dear Diary. The weather is fantastic! Sunshine with temperatures around the ten degree mark, and even warmer in the sun. So nice and refreshing to have sunshine!

I'm still at a standstill; I'm waiting for court, and to hopefully put this chapter behind me; each day is like the next, sorta like that movie "Ground Hog Day".

Speaking of which, the little, furry, weather prognosticator, AKA the ground hog, DIDN'T see his shadow, which means an early arrival for Spring. Taking a look around right now, I'd say we're already enjoying Spring-like conditions....

....In a way it's rather frightening to see the condition the majority of Canada! Bone-dry conditions with a lack of precipitation is going to cause massive amounts of forest fires this Summer. Mark my words, if the Western half of Canada doesn't get some serious snow and rain soon it's going to cause a lot of damage. Don't shoot the messenger!

So, my life is pretty boring at the moment, HOWEVER..... There is so much happening in the world! From the Middle East to the middle of Europe, the place is like a powder keg ready to explode. All it would take is one soldier not following orders correctly, and we'll see ourselves sleep-walk into a massive conflict. From little Kimmie AKA "Rocket man", to baby-killer Putin, Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, ISIS, and many more, the world is a very dangerous place! Terrorist organizations are spreading, and infiltrating North America and Europe with sleeper cells.

Just so we're clear, I am not placing blame on the average Russian, Chinese, or North Korean... Most don't have a choice in the matter. 

One thing of major notation would be the fact the mainstream media are throwing Joe Biden under the bus.... The claim is that he's become too old to run for re-election.... And the major networks were all showing blunders and falls by the 80-something old man. He recently called the President of Egypt the President of MEXICO, calling for the border in Mexico to be opened... When he REALLY meant the borders of Egypt should open their borders for the Palestinian people.

I'm of the belief that Egypt won't open the border, because, just like all the other Arab nations, no one wants to take in Muslim refugees. North America and Europe? Sure thing, let's just pack our nations with people who don't share our values or traditions, but other Arab states? Nope! Why do YOU think that is, Dear Diary??

Sorry, got derailed.... Biden is OUT, and you'll start seeing more and more cries for him to step aside for someone else to run on the Democratic ticket. 

Trump? Don't get me started on Trump. With all the legal cases against him, and even a decision by the SCOTUS on whether or not he'll legally be able to run for re-election, there is so much conjecture at the moment. We'll just have to wait and see, but IF he's allowed to campaign he's got a serious fan base to draw upon.

So, here we sit at the cusp of a world-wide conflict AKA WWIII. It's the end of the world as we know it, no matter what happens. Canada's demographics are so radically changed (There are more immigrants in Canada than natural born citizens - CBC), and our nation is changing so radically to suit the needs of these foreigners! It's wrong in my opinion! Canada's government should be helping Canadians to have lager families, not bring in other people to replace us! Because that's what we're doing....we're being replaced. Canada is changing so quickly it's making my head spin! I used to claim that we need a good war to fix the world, but now seeing everything play out, I don't believe that war would be good for Canada... War would be good for the USA, and China, but Canada would be like a dog's chew toy in the case of a major conflict. Plus, don't forget that the moment anything large pops off you'll see the sleeper cells within Canada suddenly rise to the occasion with their own brand of domestic terrorism. The only thing that protects Canada is the USA's military machine consisting of air, land, and sea good ol' fashioned democratic freedom.

So, Biden is out. I said time and again that he's a weak man, and its akin to elder abuse to keep him in power. I wonder who the Democrats are going to put on the ticket come the Fall election....

....Trump should make Nikki Hailey his running mate. Just my opinion. I believe they would make a pretty dynamic team.... But you watch, Trump won't do that, because they've both been trashing each other pretty good in the primaries. 

I sincerely hope that you, Dear Diary, are taking measures to stock up on essentials like water and non-perishable food. I'd say a First Aid kit with some antibiotics for good measure would be a good investment. Getting prepared isn't cheap, but you can do it gradually each month, hoping that nothing major occurs while you're still low on supplies.

Oh! And if you do any preparations, don't tell anyone. Your neighbour and you might be on good grounds, but come a situation where his family is suffering he'll be coming after your water and food supplies.

I dunno.... Hope you're safe and secure. After all, security is one of the biggest necessities for humans. 

I guess this will do it, so I'll see ya later, eh?

February 11th

Good morning, Dear Diary. It's Sunday morning. I've just come back from Church. Weather is cloudy with temps hovering slightly above the freezing mark. Forecast calls for pretty much the same for all week; dipping down to just below freezing at night with temperatures popping back up above freezing during the day. Another day you can't see the sun. I guess we're due as we had three nice days in a row. (Sarcasm) The fact we can't get more than three days of sunshine in a row has been a reality since 2017.

I'm glad to have moved to London in 2014 and was able to experience three Summers of heat and shine. Otherwise I would have concluded that London, Canada, is just like London, Britain; soggy, cloudy, and temperatures that are indicative of the sun not shining. I guess if you throw in the mild Winter weather, and you've got a complete match.... River Thames... King street, Queen street, etc, etc.

Not much is going on today, but I just wanted to say hello. Hope you have a wonderful day!

February 27th

Good afternoon, Dear Diary. It's raining today, but I guess we're due since we received a couple of days of sunshine. Yes, I'm being sarcastic. Perhaps even a little bitter.

This morning I was involved in an incident; one of the meth-heads threatened me, and was subsequently thrown out of the building for a couple of hours. What happened? I went to the bathroom just before breakfast, and while I was busy dropping the kids off at the pool, the guy next to me in the stalls starts smoking FENTYNOL. I did my business, but had a few choice words for the loser, which in turn set him off... He comes out of the bathroom gunning for me, and pushes his way towards me. Security saw it happening, and got between us... Then he pushed security, and was quickly kicked out of the building.... He came back at lunch, and went after ANOTHER guy, even throwing the other fella to the floor. Security was immediately on him, and ushered him out of the building again. I pray to God that he doesn't come back! We don't need that kind of bullshit!

I'm writing today because of something that has set me off; Justin Trudeau and his goons are tabling a bill that will "Combat online hate". Yup! Ol' traitor Trudeau is going to decide what's offensive or not. He and his buddy Jagmeet Singh are going to Police the internet..... Claiming its to protect kids, the bill would see a crack-down on potential hate-speech.... It's utter horseshit! While twatwaffle Trudeau is pretending to "protect children", he and his buddies are perfectly fine with a grown man entering a female bathroom. They're not about protecting children! This new bill is WAY TOO VAUGE and gives the Trudeau Liberals the chance to crack-down on anything they DEEM offensive, which could be anything unwanted, like my website for example since I have a bad habit of telling the truth. I call it as I see it, but that has the potential to be attacked by the traitorous Liberals.... Cracking down on "Hate speech" but the idiots can't define what a woman is....

...perversion? Perfectly fine. LGBTQLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (Did I forget any?) agenda and narrative? Absolutely ok. Speaking out against immigrants? Nope... That's offensive. Calling the Trudeau Liberals a goof? Offensive, of course! Do you SEE the slippery slope this bill would cause?

Liberals are claiming that the Conservatives are against "Protecting children" because Pierre Poilievre is against hormone blockers for teenagers, and routinely calls for "Protecting children" from the Trudeau Liberals. Do you see the insanity? Trudeau isn't "protecting children"! Not one tiny bit!

There are already laws to deal with online bullying and hate speech, but Trudeau wants the laws changed to suit his own agenda of a "Post-colonial" society in Canada... He's after you and your kids, all the while claiming he's "Protecting children". The ONLY group of people protected by Trudeau are immigrants. We're not going to be able to condemn the government without being labelled as hate speech... THAT'S the agenda. Freedom of speech is gone, replaced by a society that is unable to speak out against the tyrannical government who is doing their utmost to REPLACE CANADIANS. The war on children is REAL, and Justin Turd-o is going to tell you what is allowable or not.

I'd be lying if I was to claim I'm not worried about this new development. I think it's a sham, a façade, a pseudo-reality where thought crimes are now punishable by law. Being that I tend to call a spade a spade, I'm breaking Trudeau's rules, and they're eventually going to come after me and others like me. Buh-bye Canada! The world we know and love is no longer acceptable.

What a crock of shit! F*%K YOU, Trudeau! You're a pathetic excuse for a human being, and needs to be shown the door ASAP! You're NOT "Protecting children"; you're protecting your perversion of what you think Canada should look like. THERE... Did I break the law?

Eff me.

February 28th
Good morning, Dear Diary. It's 6 AM as I write this, but I've been up since 4:30 AM. The weather is raining, but the temperatures are PLUS twelve. No worries, as it's forecasted to drop to negative seven overnight. That's a shift of nineteen degrees on the thermometer! The extended forecast calls for temperatures to rebound back to twelve degrees come Friday. Calling the weather "Wacky" is an understatement.

No snow... We've been hit with two snowstorms this year, however, with the temperature above the freezing mark the snow has all melted. I'm sure we'll get hit a couple times before Spring.

I'm watching the news, but it's PAINFUL. The bullshit literally has me squirming in my chair. Yuck-a-fuck-a-dooo!!! The narrative?? Canadians bad, immigrants good, support for Hamas (A terrorist organization), take a massive shit on Israel, mock Canada's attempts to sanction Russia, mock Canada's military, reconciliation along racially motivated lines for grievances committed before we were born, Trudeau goons good, (That includes the traitorous NDP), Conservatives bad, NATO is weak, Trump is the anti-Christ, financial support for immigration over natural-born Canadians, "Post-colonial state", division, and diversity over Patriotism..... The list goes on.....

....piss on the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation), CNN, MSNBC, PBS, and all the other traitorous media sources AKA legacy media!! They are the enemy of North America, cloaked in lies, misinformation, and the failed concept of diversity.

Be careful where you get your news! I'm able to read between the lies, but not everyone has that capability.

Oh! Trudeau fumbled through a press conference in Poland, and made a serious error. when he stated, "We know that Russia, uhh, must win this war". He then quickly backtracked, and said, "Sorry. That UKRAINE must win this war"....  Everyone laughed nervously, and excused the crime minister for his supposed blunder.... However!! It's not a gaffe... It's a Freudian Slip. The truth slipped out accidentally, and he was forced to try and fix his mistake. BUT!! You won't hear THAT on legacy media sources!

You know, I have been putting some serious thought into the fact I keep an online diary, and that it has the potential to come back at me in the form of legislation tabled under the new proposed "Hate" bill Trudeau and his lackies are trying to push through the House of Commons. I can see what I've written being throw back at me, and possible persecution stemming from my attempts to bring the truth to Canada and the rest of the planet. Even yesterday, I was tempted to take down my diary out of fear, but when I went to examine things, the internet wasn't working properly and I was unable to make any changes. I firmly believe that GOD prevented me from deactivating my online diary, as no matter what I tried I was unable to make any changes. This morning I feel different about things, and of course the internet works fine. It's like God is sending me a message.... Keep telling the truth no matter what the cost.

The only reason I have an entry for February the 27th, is because I SAVED my work on my computer, and I was able to copy and paste it into my diary this morning.

Well, breakfast is being served in half an hour, so I better let you go and work my way down to the cafeteria. I'll try and talk to you soon, but I cannot make promises.... There is real evil at work trying to prevent the truth from exposing the lies.... True evil coming from the legacy media, but that's only because the shit trickles down from the current government. Just like a soiled diaper, the government needs to be changed! But!! The unHoly alliance between the Lie-berals and the corrupt NDP is preventing an election, one that I predict Trudeau and Singh would LOSE, based on polling data.

The TRUTH MUST be spread......Talk soon.... 

March 26
Good evening, Dear Diary. It's somewhat late for a diary entry, but I felt like I needed to write. Oh! The weather is the shits; windy and raining sideways at times; wet and cold with no sunshine. 

It's been a very long times since I wrote anything.

 Friends and activities in the shelter have diverted my time. We have a small group of peeps that have coffee and conversation after breakfast. We finished a massive colouring page (6 feet long and four feet wide) during our afternoon hours. Colouring helps alleviate boredom when you spend time with other humans, as well as, keeps my hand steady for tattooing. I even try to give extreme detail to what I colour, and some things have turned out really well. 

I have court again tomorrow. I'm not a frightened as I was last time (I don't like March Break because of the bad luck I seem to have), but I'm concerned. Like, this has gone on for quite a long time, and that means people have moved on and any testimony will be more difficult to remember. That's another thing, everyone involved has moved on, and this only serves to hold some of us back from healing and moving on with life. I hope my lawyer can fix this mess, and make some sort of deal with the Crown attorney! The thing is, one of the main defendant / witness's has fled London and gone off-grid AKA hooking and drugs. She's not going to come to court! If there is a date set she won't be there.

Something on the lighter side of things - I was sitting around a table with a few other guys. EVERYONE was on their phone, like, I mean everyone! Scrolling and reading... And then one of them will find something amusing and holds out his phone for all to see too... And I'm sitting in my chair thinking..... The mini super-computer we hold in our hands and take for granted is so much more advanced than what we had as a kid. And here we all are waving them around like it's no big deal. And I kept thinking about that, and the evolution technology has taken during my lifetime. The telephone with the cord that plugged into the wall to a smart phone? OH! And we had "Party line" service, which at first sounds like fun until you get the meaning of it... A "Party line" would consist of several houses along a given road all sharing ONE "Party line", which means that if your neighbour was on the phone you couldn't dial out. You COULD pick up the telephone and listen in on their conversation, which I guess could be beneficial. I mean, all your neighbours able to have a group conversation back in the 70's? REALLY different from today, eh? 

Five guys sitting around a table drinking coffee, and everyone is on their cell phone. They were even texting each other from the other side of the table. Technology, I tells ya.... So amazing! And here we are all being antisocial and using our super-computers to send silly little messages back and forth via text.

Well, I should sign off. I'm anxious about tomorrow, and it's causing me to lose interest in writing. Oh! Memo to me; Set alarm clock.

Talk soon.

March 27th
Good afternoon, Dear Diary. The weather today was chilly and damp, cloudy and windy. Fitting day for court...

...... My matters have been remanded until next month. The Crown wants to take it to trial. This is troubling, as it means the courts are gunning for me, based on the accusations.

I can't say anything about my case as there's a publication ban. No hints, either.

I'm hoping this time will allow me the chance to get my stuff mailed to my Dad's. I've done pretty good so far, but I still have things that need rescuing. Keep your fingers crossed that April brings good news and financial gain. (There's a couple of government rebates coming out mid April)

I keep thinking about the past. Places and people haunt my memories, and it seems like everyday my mind is taken back to a certain time and events. Not sure why this is so prevalent. Maybe the changes in my life are causing this.

Well, this is a short entry. I just wanted to tell you what occurred today. 

Talk soon.

April 1st, 2024 - 2 AM
Good morning, Dear Diary. Its very early, but I'm awake due to vivid dreams. The weather is cloudy but dry. Temperatures are hovering above the freezing mark.

So, what are those dreams about? The past; family and friends that have come and gone; places that used to be extremely  important as a child and young man, and are no longer relevant. This all plays into the ongoing reflection on my life, and my dreams are mirroring those thoughts.....

.....I've made some seriously stupid mistakes in my life. It has cost me money and friends, and of course, my family. Lately my daily thought process is a nagging reminder of where I am and why I've ended up there. I'm alone, and that's because I acted stupidly when I was married, and my constant drive to find something different cost me my family. My high school sweetheart is now married to another man. My adult children don't want anything to do with me anymore. My brothers and sister have their own lives, and view me as a mistake; I'm not just the black sheep in the family, I'm an embarrassment to my highly successful siblings. Places I used to love and cherish are now owned by someone else, and they're enjoying it. I'm paying the price for a lifetime of making stupid choices, and lately I can't get it out of my head.

It's the loss of children that has me hurting the most. Not just my own blood, but also a few little people that I once loved and cherished. I'm not going to go into detail on this, but it's one of the things that haunts my mind.

I feel like I'm in limbo; waiting for a court date that will eventually come has me stressed out; each day is another waiting game unto itself, and I'm forced to live a life of a homeless man inside a Salvation Army shelter. I try to keep smiling, but it's super hard to find joy. 

Changing gears......'s April the first today; April Fool's day.... Aaaand just like a bad joke the Federal government is increasing the tax on gasoline and home heating fuels. Some (Explicit)ing how the Trudeau Liberals are going to stop climate change by taxing Canadians to death. What a twat-waffle ol' Justin is! He's somehow going to offset the GROWING pollution all over the world by punishing Canadians. Over in India and China it's balls to the wall with climate changing pollution, and when you compare Canada's emissions to these other nations, it's STARKLY evident Canada is NOT the main reason for climate change... BUT!! We're going to tax our population to forcibly stop Canadians from enjoying our way of life. Meanwhile other countries all over the world are doing the exact opposite. So, while the rest of the world is polluting the planet like it's 1970, Canadians are being punished. This reminds me of the parable of the man who criticizes others for the speck of dirt in their eye, while having a proverbial log in his. If Canadians and a few other Western nations are tackling climate change, then the rest of the planet needs to be punished as well. This is like telling Timmy he can't pee in the pool on one side, but it's perfectly fine to take a piss in the other side.

Another bullshit move by the Trudeau asshats is making birth control FREE. That's right, ladies and germs, you can get your funky on at the cost of the Canadian taxpayers. People can't afford children, so the government is making it easier to avoid having babies. MEANWHILE, immigrants flooding our nation are being given obscene hand-outs, and they're able to have large families. Nothing like trying to change the demographics of Canada, eh? (Explicit) me! Stop giving out hand-outs to people from other nations, and stop taxing our country to death so we can have our own babies and be able to afford to live!!! So ridiculous! 

I'm probably making too much common sense again. 

Well, I should go. I'm not sure if I can get back to sleep, but I'm going to try. At least when I'm asleep my Mother and Grandparents are alive, and we're enjoying the cabin, my paintball park, and so much more. To sleep, perchance to dream... For in that sleep what dreams may come......

....good night Dear Dairy. Hope you find the love and peace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, on this Easter weekend, who died on the awful cross so that we may be saved from eternal death. He is risen indeed! Halleluiah, Halleluiah!!



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